IE493: Applied Human Factors and Art in Florence
3 credit hours, Mini-term Summer 2025 May Mini
As the capital and central city of the Tuscan region, Florence has been a vibrant city for Italian art, architecture, food, culture, trade, and Florentine style since the first century BCE.
Considered the birthplace for the Renaissance and perspective in art, Florence is the perfect location for pairing the study of how our representation of the human form and daily life has progressed over centuries, and relating it to how design, living, work, and our environment have similarly changed. During our time in Italy, we will complement our studies and appreciation of the Italian way of life with several excursions to nearby towns and businesses, which will allow us to include a decidedly different Italian lifestyle and attitude in our experience.
Students will:
- Develop and enhance Human Factors/Safety knowledge while building practical experience applying theory to solve workplace, design, and human interaction challenges.
- Gain exposure to these methods in European culture, primarily through instructor-designed content, guest lectures, cultural excursion, and facility visits.
- Incorporate the study of how the understanding and presentation of the human form and ‘workspace’ (anthropometrics and ergonomics) have changed over history, as presented in various artforms.
The course is composed of 5 topical modules related to the application of human factors, one group project, and a reflective paper.
Contact Professor Knight with any questions at and to get on the initial list.
Application Deadlines:
Priority: 11/24/2024
Standard: 2/2/2025
Program Fee: $4,615 + course tuition and fees
For more information:
“Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.”-Leonardo da Vinci